GIMP Magazine Issue 5 Released
The team over at GIMP Magazine have released their latest issue, and check out that handsome gentleman on the cover!

I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking.— Derek Zoolander
Yep, +Steve Czajka and crew have pushed out yet another great issue of the magazine, and I’m not just saying that because my ugly mug is gracing the cover. This issue has my portrait retouching tutorial with the wonderful Mairi, and a really neat tutorial for emulating the results of an old analog photographic process (really old), Gum over Palladium, by +Christopher Perez. +Debi Dalio also reviews Tux Paint for kids!
Personally, I would have gone for a better looking cover model, like Mairi from the tutorial:

Mairi (see more of her here on Flickr)
As +Meet the GIMP Rolf Steinort points out, I’m glad to stand in as a Cover Girl (“Easy, Breezy, Beautiful”, right?). Speaking of Rolf, the results of his “Look Down!" photo challenge are in this issue as well!
So what are you waiting for? The issue is free to get digitally (PDF), $5 for an iPad version, and $24 for a print version (I bought a couple of print versions - of course):
- View or download PDF from Issuu (FREE)
- GIMP Magazine PDF Direct Download (FREE)
- Buy Printed Magazine ($24)
- Buy iPad Format Magazine ($5)
- Watch Directors Cut Video (FREE)
Let’s set a new record for the magazine! Go get it!
Oh, one last thing. I just had to have a quick go at Christophers tutorial from this issue for doing Gum over Palladium, so here’s the cover image using his tutorial: