About Me

Hi! I’m Pat David.
Husband, Father, and Engineer.
Minor photographer, major nerd.
I dabble in different things.
I enjoy taking photographs and processing them using Free Software. You can see my photographs on Flickr or 500px.
I’m a member of the GIMP team and recently built a new website for the project (which you should totally go check out). I’ve written about using GIMP for photo processing (along with other software and techniques). Along the way I’ve been lucky enough to make a bunch of new friends.
A few years ago I found the community (and resources) for photography using Free Software to be lacking. The best option available was Meet the GIMP by Rolf Steinort. At the same time, available photography-centric software was getting a boost with projects like RawTherapee, darktable and many (many!) others.
The larger community aspect was still missing, I felt. To (hopefully) solve this I sat down and created PIXLS.US.

PIXLS.US is a community focused on photography using Free Software tools. I wanted to give back to the projects I had been using by helping to foster a community around our common hobby (and in some cases, profession). I also wanted to remove any barriers to collaboration between projects, users, developers and hackers. If you have any interest in photography and digital art I encourage you to drop by and join the community!
As part of helping the community through PIXLS.US I’ve been offering to help with building infrastructure and websites. If you’re curious about some of my work in this area here’s a partial list of sites that I’ve built and manage (in some cases with the help of my friend Mica):
If you need to reach me securely, my GPG key is:
66D1 7CA6 8088 4874 946D 18BD 67C7 6219 89E9 57AC
My full public key can be found here: GPG.txt.
I can also be found on https://keybase.io/patdavid where you can encrypt a message to send to me (copy/paste ciphertext into an email/message/post to me).
If you’d like to donate some Bitcoin (or Bitcoin Cash), my Bitcoin wallet is:
If you haven’t already noticed, just about everything I write or produce artistically I tend to license very liberally. Normally I’ll use a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license which means that you are free to share and adapt my works in any way you’d like (even commercially), provided you give me credit and that any changes you make to my works will be licensed under the same conditions.
Please attribute me as:
“Pat David” with a link to this site, https://patdavid.net.
If you’d like permissions beyond these conditions, feel free to email me to discuss.
Image of me courtesy of Rolf Steinort (Meet the GIMP) during LGM 2014.