Libre Graphics Meeting 2014 in Leipzig, Germany (and a Workshop Announcement)
Ok, I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet! I’m not Missing in Action, I’ve just been busy with some other things…
As a matter of fact, here are those other things!
Libre Graphics Meeting
I’ve been helping out the Libre Graphics Meeting team where I can. If you’re not familiar with them, the Libre Graphics Meeting is the meeting opportunity for many open-source graphics related projects.

This is the meeting where the hackers, designers, users, and developers of many of the most popular FLOSS graphics tools meet to share ideas and to showcase works. For many projects this is the only time that the teams can actually meet face to face to discuss new ideas and progress.
Personally I’ve been trying to help by writing/copyediting posts on the LGM website. So I haven’t had an opportunity to write here as much these paste few weeks.
If you’re reading this, please consider chipping in anything that you can to help bring these great FLOSS project teams together! Seriously, just a few dollars from each person can really, really make a difference. These are the people that are building tools that make what I do here possible, and the only way to get quality software that respects our freedoms.
Donate to the Libre Graphics Meeting Pledgie Campaign!
FL/OSS Tools in a Photographic Workflow
Sounds fancy doesn’t it? Well, not only should you donate to LGM if you can, but if you have the means you should also attend! There’s a good reason to!
I’m going to be conducting a workshop at the meeting on using FL/OSS tools in a photography workflow. I’ve got a two hour block where I’ll be having a photowalk with attendees to talk about photographic processes and maybe techniques, and then back to the meeting to discuss various methods of processing and editing the photographs using a variety of FL/OSS tools (RawTherapee, darktable, Hugin, LuminanceHDR, G’MIC, Imagemagick, and more!).
Of course, GIMP is missing from that list because I wanted to address them separately.
The GIMP team is graciously sponsoring me to attend LGM this year!
I’ve been slowly updating the tutorials on the GIMP website and attaching much more liberal licenses to them so they can be reused freely. (Yet another reason I’ve been unable to post new stuff here lately, but a good reason!). I was thinking that a look at my photographic retouching process using GIMP might be fun and helpful.
I tend to use many different software depending on what I need to do, but of course I always find myself in GIMP at the end… :)
Consider Attending LGM
So, if you’re able to - consider coming over to Leipzig, Germany April 2-5 to join us! The meeting is free to attend, and there will be many great things to see and learn about. For instance:
- G'MIC Yep, David Tschumperle (creator of G'MIC) will be in attendance along with Jérôme Boulanger! They are going to be giving a great overview of G'MIC along with some looks at the incredible filters available with the language (and how they can push these new filters so quickly out to the community due to a tight relationship with the artists that use it). I believe I'll also be joining them in this presentation briefly to talk about the film emulation effects released last year.
- Rolf Steinort / Meet the GIMP I've heard from the man himself, Rolf (of Meet the GIMP of course), that he'll also be attending this year! I'm going to try and get an autograph!
- darktable Tobias Ellinghaus will be bringing darktable to its first LGM as well! I know many people using free software for photography use darktable - so here's a chance to interact with the great folks at darktable!
- Magic Lantern Yep, the folks that are able to bring amazing new powers to Canon cameras through a custom firmware will be attending their first LGM as well! In fact, if you bring your Canon camera with you, they will helpfully get you setup with the firmware while you're there.
These are just a few of the many, many things that will be presented at this years LGM. There’s tons more, and as I get the time I’m updating the LGM website to showcase new sneak peeks at what’s to come.
Oh, and just to help remind you, don’t forget to donate a little something if you can: