Krita Kickstarter

I know that I primarily write about photography here, but sometimes something comes along that’s too important to pass up talking about.
Krita just happens to be one of those things. Krita is a digital painting and sketching software by artists for artists. While I love GIMP and have seen some incredible work by talented artists using it for painting and sketching, sometimes it’s better to use a dedicated tool for the job. This is where Krita really shines.
The reason I’m writing about Krita today is that they are looking for community support to accelerate development through their Kickstarter campaign.

That is where you come in. It doesn’t take much to make a difference in great software, and every little bit helps. If you can skip a fancy coffee, pastry, or one drink while out this month, consider using the money you saved to help a great project instead!
There’s only 9 days left in their Kickstarter, and they are less than €800 to hitting their goal of €15,000!

Of course, the team makes it hard to keep up with them. They seem to be rapidly implementing goals in their Kickstarter before they even get funding. For instance, their “super-stretch” goal was to get an OSX implementation of Krita running. Then this shows up in my feed this morning. A prototype already!
I am in constant awe at the talent and results from digital artists, and this is a great tool to help them produce amazing works. As a photographer I am deeply indebted to those who helped support GIMP development over they years, and if we all pull together maybe we can be the ones who future Krita users thank for helping them get access to a great program…
Skip a few fancy coffee drinks, possibly inspire a future artist? Count me in!

Still here? Ok, how about some cool video tutorials by Ramón Miranda to help support the campaign?
If you still need more, check out his YouTube channel.
Ok, that’s enough out of me.
Go Donate!