Support GIMP at LGM 2017
The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is the annual meeting for creatives from across the Free/Libre project spectrum. I’ve written about the previous meetings I was able to attend in Leipzig (2014) as well as London (2016). It’s an amazing opportunity to meet with other Free/Libre Software users and projects.
I won’t be able to make it out to this year’s LGM (I seem to be on a sort of biennial schedule), but most of the GIMP team will be there! So I have a favor to ask…
Please, go and donate to to help offset the costs of attending the conference! Every little bit helps (especially considering most of the team lives in Europe, so the travel costs are a bit higher for them this year).

This year, the meeting is being held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! (At the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.) It’s happening in conjunction with the IX edition of the GNUGraf meeting.

This is an important meeting in the Free/Libre art world as it’s one of the few times (only for some projects) for these artists and contributors to meet face-to-face.
This is particularly true of the GIMP team. It’s the only chance I personally have had to meet the other team members in real life, and I must say that it really does give a very positive feedback to participating in the project. Getting to meet everyone and spend time with them helps to understand the dynamic and reinforces friendship amongst the contributors.
It’s also a great opportunity to be silly and have fun…

pippin x5
(Yes, the same pippin responsible for [GEGL][])

GIMP meeting at LGM/London (with some darktable folks thrown in for good measure)
There’s also GIMP hackathons and internal meetings that take place here. This is an opportunity to help accelerate GIMP development, so what are you waiting for?!
Head over and donate to GIMP!