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4 min read

Mean Averaged Music Videos [G’MIC/Blender]

So I can’t leave well enough alone, as seen in my last post about mean averaging stuff. In that last post I had averaged entire music videos to see what the resulting images would look like.

My previous averaging work:

This time around I took a different path. I wanted to demonstrate what exactly was visually happening when creating these averaged images. For that I turned to the experts (by experts, I mean David Tschumperlé), and this time did all of the image averaging in G’MIC. (So a great big Thank You! to David for putting up with me while I tried to describe what I wanted).


12 min read

Getting Around in GIMP - Luminosity Masks Revisited

Brorfelde landscape by Stig Nygaard (cb) After adding an aggressive curve along with a mid-tone luminosity mask.

Brorfelde landscape by Stig Nygaard (cb) After adding an aggressive curve along with a mid-tone luminosity mask.

I had previously written about adapting Tony Kuyper’s Luminosity Masks for GIMP. I won’t re-hash all of the details and theory here (just head back over to that post and brush up on them there), but rather I’d like to re-visit them using channels. Specifically to have another look at using the mid-tones mask to give a little pop to images.


5 min read

Using G'MIC Film Emulation Filters Offline

I’ve had a few questions regarding using the Film Emulation presets I put together with the G’MIC team. Specifically, how to use the emulations while offline. So I figured I would offer some suggestions on how to make this possible at the moment.

Well, David Tschumperlé already fixed this (within a couple of hours of publishing this post, no less). I’m leaving it here for posterity, though. Thanks David!


5 min read

Mean Averaging Music Videos [Imagemagick/GIMP]

Well, I apparently just can’t get enough of averaging things.

While playing around on the last post for averaging long exposure images, I stumbled across something interesting. Apparently Imagemagick can open video files. At that point I just had to have a go at averaging some music videos.

The results were … interesting to say the least.

These are really worth seeing large, just click the image to embiggen.
The links for each video name below will open the video in the page, in case you wanted to watch.


8 min read

Faking an ND Filter for Long Exposure Photography

So, I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head for a bit, and figured it might help me to get off my ass and actually try it out if I described my thought process.

Long Exposure - Shanklin by Richard ‘Tenspeed’ Heaven, (cb) 5 sec f/32 ISO 100

Long Exposure - Shanklin by Richard ‘Tenspeed’ Heaven, (cb) 5 sec  f/32 ISO 100

I’ve been wanting to get some ND filters to experiment with daytime long exposures for a while now. The problem is that I’m lazy. So when I say “for a while now”, I really mean that it’s been like 3 years.


4 min read

Film Emulation Presets in G'MIC (GIMP) [Addendum]

Well, it’s been a busy week. I thought it would be nice to post a small update on the current status of these film emulation presets.

In my first post on these, I described what I was doing. At that time, I had only a few different film emulations to go with it. I released a couple of more earlier this week as well (instant films). Here is the current types of film available, with sample plates at their lowest settings to show what they look like (and a preview of some new stuff coming soon).

A method for using these filters while offline can now be found here: Using Film Emulation Filters While Offline.


5 min read

Film Emulation Presets in G'MIC (GIMP)

Color toning/grading can be a heck of a rabbit-hole sometimes. You start innocently enough, but hours later you’ll find yourself still fiddling with one particular point in one particular channel. Just a little bit more to get it just right! Just a slight bump to saturation in this color! Push the hue a little more this way!


16 min read

An Open Source Headshot (Ronni) (Postprocessing)

In my previous post I had to do a bit of fiddling to bring my relative exposures back into line with each other (while retaining hair details from being blown out). Now that the image has been corrected, I’m ready to begin my normal workflow for retouching.


10 min read

An Open Source Headshot (Ronni)

I recently had an opportunity to shoot some headshots of a model, Ronni on ModelMayhem. She was kind enough to brave some nasty weather to help get to the shoot. It was my first time shooting with her, and she was super nice (if you’re in the Mobile, AL area give her a shout!).


4 min read

A Simple Headshot (of Myself)

I needed a new headshot for something recently, and I figured it might be fun to expand a little on something I started playing with while shooting my friend Mairi. I wanted to work on getting my backgrounds blown out to pure white.

I think this was mostly due to reading the great Zack Arias “White Seamless Tutorial”, and trolling around on The Strobist again. I also just got my camera back, so it was as good a time as any to put it through some paces… (Plus, I needed the practice).

So first, here is the final result after all of my fiddling:

Pat David self portrait lighting

Could have been a lot worse, I think…

So my first desire in shooting this was to play with getting the background blown to pure white. I happened to have a whiteboard in my office conference room that I figured would be a good background to start with.


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